Thursday, March 20, 2008

Kaeslyn's Spring Concert

Kaeslyn had her spring concert Last night March 19, 2008 and she did great. She is in advanced Orchestra and she plays the Violin. She is second chair and just loves playing.

This last month she was in a group playing a piece for Solo ensamble. Well at district they scored a Superior which is a 1. This is the highest that is given. So we were very proud of them and Her.

And because of their high score they, performed their peice as the Spring concert. They did very good again, everyone was so impressed.

Here is a picture of Kaeslyn and her BFF(Best Friend forever) M'Lee who was part of the group, and she plays cello.

We are Proud of her.. Way to go Kaelsyn Sweetie!

1 comment:

Chrystal said...

YEAH! I love to hear such stories - - braden music talent came through again! Congrats Kaeslyn!!