Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Reflections

I read an article from the ensign from 1995, it was by Elder Andrew W. Peterson he was a member of the seventy at the time. This Article shared an invitation and scripture that touched me and I wanted to share it with you all and also to remind me of the message it had. I am so blessed to have the knowledge that I have of the gospel and this message confirms to me that the Lord is guiding and directing this gospel and its leaders. This is the part that struck me the most.

Pres. Gordon B. Hinckley had served but only seven years as an Apostle. At this time, He shared a scripture and extended an invitation. He taught from 2 Timothy: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord” (2 Tim. 1:7–8).

Pres. Hinckley invited missionaries at that time, to not fear and not be ashamed of their testimonies of Jesus Christ. As I read this on Easter 2008, his invitation penetrated my heart and is important to me and to you this day. The Lord has raised up a new prophet Pres Thomas S. Monson—And one I feel has no fear, one who is full of power and love and of a sound mind, and one who by example reminds us never to be ashamed of our testimony of the Lord.

So, I feel at this time, I would like to share my testimony.
I am a proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints.

I know with all my heart and mind that God Lives and that his son Jesus Christ is the only begotton, he is my Savior, Lord and Redemer. I know that he came to earth to fullfill our Father's plan, so that we can return to live with them again. I know that Jesus did suffer in the garden of gethsemene, and then died on the cross for us all, so that we can be resurected as he did.. and live again.

I know that our Heavenly Father has a plan for us. And the Plan of Salvation was put into action with the sacrifice of his son Jesus Christ. Through His grace and mercy of the Atonment —(which is the most important event in the history of the world) This has helped me in my time of trials and relieved me of the guilt and shame that result from my sins. As I rely on the Atonement, I have felt the love of My Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ. He has helped me endure everyday if there be joys, heartaches, and trials. I know that if you take a chance to learn how the Atonment can work for you, it to will give you a chance to experience joy, peace, and consolation through the mercy of our loving Heavenly Father. I am so grateful of this Plan and the knowledge of it. Its resoring power has brought my live so much joy, especialy during my many trials of life. The Atonment has given me and continues to give me that power to go on, and to always know of my saviors love for me.

I also know that Joseph Smith is and was a chosen prophet of the lord, He did see God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ. And through the Prophet Joseph Smith, our Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ restored the gospel. I also believe and know that that Preisthood which is the the authority to act in His name, was restored to the earth. And I am so grateful to have a Husband that is worthy and who honors his Priesthood. Through this power marvelous things can occur.

I know that by the power of God, Joseph Smith translated the book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is a powerful witness of Jesus Christ. It helps me understand His teachings, including those in the Bible. I know with all my heart,might and mind that the Scriptures are true, and that as I read the Book of Mormon and Bible I can gain more knowledge and understanding to my life, my purpose and what I can do to be a better person.

I know that Thomas S. Monson is also a choisen prophet of God, he was saved and called for this time, He holds the same keys as all previous prophets before him. I am grateful to him for his guidance, love and directions.

I know that, through obediance to the laws and ordinances of the gospel, we can achieve Celestal Glory. "By patiently and faithfully following the gospel path, you will find direction, peace, and happiness in your life, allowing you to draw closer to God and qualifying you for eternal life" ( 2 Nephi 31:20.

I am graeful for the belssings that I have been given, I know that they have been given to me by him and he is with me every step that I take. Again I love this gospel with all my heart, might mind and strength. And I say these things in the Name of Thy Son Jesus Christ Amen.

I feel Easter has opened my heart and mind to the strength of my testimony, may this be an Easter season of meditation, reflection, and appreciation. May we resolve to be obedient to the prophetic invitations from those who hold the keys of the kingdom.

With much love,

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