Wednesday, September 24, 2008

CJ Recieved the Aaronic Preisthood

June 1 2008 C.J. received the Aaronic Priesthood, since we moved the end of May and moved into our new place the first of June we stayed in our old ward since he had already gone through his interview with that bishop. He was so excited. He loves passing the sacrament every Sunday and was called to be the 1st counselor in the Deacon presidency in our new ward. He loves the young men and enjoys going to Young men's.. Makes him feel great.

We are very proud of him and the example he is the other kids and tohis younger brother.

We love you C.J.


Judy said...
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Rachelle & Jared Crowder said...

Fun to see you've joined the Blog'n world. Thank you so much for all your digital scrapbooking references I am a little overwhelmed where to begin and you helped a ton. I know that took time, so thank you so much for doing all that you did. I love you!


Chrystal said...

Congrats CJ! You are so wonderful! We're proud of you too!